Samagra Shiksha ISSE Longding Recruitment 2022 | PRT | TGT | Resource Person | Hostel Warden | Accountant | Part Time Instructor & Teacher | 19 Posts


Applications are invited from the bona-fide citizens of India possessing requisite educational qualification and age (as on 4th April 2022), for the following contractual posts of PRTs & TGTs (Elementary) and other contractual posts shown below under District Project Director, Samagra Shiksha - ISSE, Longding District, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh. The posts are purely contractual in nature and renewable every year subject to satisfactory performance and continuation of the posts by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. The numbers of post are indicative and may be varied (increase or decrease) on either side at the time of preparation of final selected list.


Primary Teacher (PRT): 04 Posts

TGT (Elementary) Science & Maths: 02 Posts

Resource Person (Maths): 01 Post

Resource Person (Science): 02 Posts

Resource Person (English): 02 Posts

Hostel Warden (Residential School): 01 Post

Block Accountant (BRC Office): 02 Posts

Accountant (Residential School): 01 Post

Part Time Instructor (Work Education): 01 Post

Part Time Instructor (Art Education): 01 Post

Part Time Teacher (Health & Physical): 02 Posts

Last Date

The last date of the submissions of the application of the dully filled in application form is 04th April 2022 till 4 PM. Application received after due date or time or incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected.


Primary Teacher (PRT): Rs. 15,000/- per month.

TGT (Elementary) Science & Maths: Rs. 20,000/- per month.

Resource Person (Maths): Rs. 26,453/- per month.

Resource Person (Science): Rs. 26,453/- per month.

Resource Person (English): Rs. 26,453/- per month.

Hostel Warden (Residential School): Rs. 25,000/- per month.

Block Accountant (BRC Office): Rs. 12,809/- per month.

Accountant (Residential School): Rs. 10,000/- per month.

Part Time Instructor (Work Education): Rs. 12,809/- per month.

Part Time Instructor (Art Education): Rs. 12,809/- per month.

Part Time Teacher (Health & Physical): Rs. 7,000/- per month.


Primary Teacher (PRT):
Senior Secondary (or equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 years Diploma in Elementary Education (By whatever name known) in accordance with the NCTE (recognition Norms and Procedures), Regulations 2002/ Or senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed)/ senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and two year Diploma in Education (Special Education)/ or graduation and two year diploma in elementary education (by whatever name known,/or graduation with at least 50% marks and B.Ed, provided he/she mandatorily undergo a 6 (Six) Months Bridge Course in Elementary Education Recognized by NCTE within 2 Years of his/her appointment and APTET/CTET (Paper-I) pass certificate.

TGT (Elementary) Science & Maths:
Graduation in ZBC/PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed/ Or Graduation in ZBC/PCM and 2 Years D.El.Ed (by whatever name known)/ or Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks with 4 years Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) in ZBC/PCM or Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks with 4 years B.Sc Ed in ZBC/PCM Or Graduation in ZBC/PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed (Special Education), and APTET/CTET (Paper-II) pass certificate.

Resource Person (Maths):
Post-Graduation in PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed/ or Post Graduation in PCM with at least 50% and 2 year D.El.Ed. (by whatever name Known) / Or Graduation in ZBC/PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed. (Special Education) And APTET/CTET (Paper-II) pass certificate.

Resource Person (Science):
Post-Graduation in PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed/ or Post Graduation in PCM with at least 50% and 2 year D.El.Ed. (by whatever name Known) / Or Graduation in ZBC/PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed. (Special Education) And APTET/CTET (Paper-II) pass certificate.

Resource Person (English):
Post-Graduation in PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed/ or Post Graduation in PCM with at least 50% and 2 year D.El.Ed. (by whatever name Known) / Or Graduation in ZBC/PCM with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed. (Special Education) And APTET/CTET (Paper-II) pass certificate.

Hostel Warden (Residential School):
Graduation with B.Ed/D.El.Ed. Preference will be given to those having experience in Hostel Management. The post is reserved only for lady candidate.

Block Accountant (BRC Office):
B.Com/BBA with 1 year diploma in computer.

Accountant (Residential School):
B.Com/BBA with 1 year diploma in computer.

Part Time Instructor (Work Education):
Senior Secondary or its equivalent with atleast 50% marks (5% relaxation incase of reserved category) with diploma/ITI certificate in any vocational trade.

Part Time Instructor (Art Education):
Senior Secondary or its equivalent with atleast 50% marks (5% relaxation incase of reserve category) with diploma in fine Arts/Performing Arts like Drama, Music, etc.

Part Time Teacher (Health & Physical):
Senior Secondary or its equivalent with atleast 50% marks (5% relaxation incase of reserve category) with diploma/ degree in Health & Physical Education/any other trade.

Age Limit

Primary Teacher (PRT): 20 to 33 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

TGT (Elementary) Science & Maths: 22 to 35 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Resource Person (Maths): 22 to 35 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Resource Person (Science): 22 to 35 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Resource Person (English): 22 to 35 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Hostel Warden (Residential School): 21 to 33 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Block Accountant (BRC Office): 21 to 33 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Accountant (Residential School): 21 to 33 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Part Time Instructor (Work Education): 18 to 28 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Part Time Instructor (Art Education): 18 to 28 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).

Part Time Teacher (Health & Physical): 18 to 28 Years (5 Years Relaxation for APST Candidates).


1. Relaxation upto 5% in qualifying marks for APST Candidates.

2. The Reservation of post i.e. APST, NonAPST (80:20), Meritorious Sports Person and Physically Challenged Person shall be as per the State Govt norms notified from time to time and will be applicable for each category of posts. However, for TGT Science and Math the ratio shall be 50:50 (for APST & Non-APST).


1. It will be mandatory for the new appointees to undergo an induction training & orientation programmes organized by the Deptt. after his/her appointment.

2. In case of candidates with B.Ed/D.El.Ed in Special Education, it will be mandatory for him/her to undergo a (6) six months bridge Course in Elementary Education recognized by NCTE within 2 years of his/her appointment.

3. The selection of the Contractual PRTs and TGTs under Samagra Shiksha/ISSE shall be based purely on the guidelines framed by the state Cabinet on 18th February 2020 and modification of the same (point no.2) on 14th July 2020. Which have been conveyed from state project office vide letter AR/ISSE/ESTT/78/2019-20/6879-85 dated 28th July 2020 and corrigendum dated 14th August 2020.

4. The last date for the submission of the dully filled up Application form is on 4th April 2022, (Monday) till 4.00 p.m. and application received after due date or time or incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected.

5. The Scrutiny of the documents will be done on 5th April 2022 (Tuesday).

6. Display of Qualified/Eligible Candidates list for appearing in the walk-in interview - 7th April 2022 (Thursday).

7. The walk-in interview of the eligible applicants will be conducted in the office chamber of the DC-cum-DPD, ISSE Longding District on 11th April 2022 from 10 AM onwards.

8. No TA/DA is admissible for appearing interview.

9. No call letters for the interview would be issued separately. The Qualified/Eligible candidates list will be displayed in the office notice board.

10. Due to erratic/irregular network connectivity no online submission of application will be entertained. Hence, candidate must apply offline.

Terms & Conditions

1. District Project Director, Samagra Shiksha/ISSE Longding District, reserves the right to cancel the advertisement/recruitment/examination process at any stage of the selection process in the event of any dispute/complicacy or any other administrative reasons.

2. The candidate must produce before the screening committee all the necessary certificates in original on the date of interview. Only those candidates whose documents match with those submitted would be admitted in the interview board. Mismatch in any documents would result in cancellation of his/her candidature.

3. The admission of candidates at all the stages of selection process will be purely provisional and subject to fulfillment of the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification, at any time, before or after the selection process, it is found that a candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature shall be rejected without any notice.

4. The final result of the Walk in Interview for the post of PRTs and TGTs (Elementary) shall be notified after obtaining administrative approval from the state HQ.

5. The continuation and extension of the services of the selected candidates shall be subject to the approval of continuation of the Project (Samagra Shiksha) by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.

6. The contractual teachers so appointed will be paid the salary as approved by the ministry of education, Gol and no Top Up from the State Govt will be given under any circumstances. (Fixed Salary of Rs. 15 000/- for PRT and Rs. 20,000/- for TGT per month).

7. The selected candidates shall have to sign a "Deed of Agreement" with the DDSE-cum-DPO, Samagra Shiksha/ ISSE, District Longding before the issue of formal appointment letter.

8. The proposed recruitment for contractual post is against the resultant vacancy and therefore, the recruitees shall be posted against the school where the resultant vacancy arose in the district.

9. No representation from any quarters will be entertained regarding change of posting place.

10. All other terms and conditions which are not specified herein shall be governed by the rules of guidelines issued and enforced by the central/state Govt. from time to time for contractual staffs.

How to Apply

Willing candidates having requisite qualification may obtain or collect the Application Form from the office of the DDSE-cum-DPO, ISSE Longding District, Longding by paying Rs. 200/- as registration/form fee on all office working days and submit it in the same office with self-attested copies of (a) Attested 4 copies of recent passport size photograph, (b) Certificate with mark sheet of academic career from class X onwards and other professional qualification certificates, (c) Tribe certificate in case of APST, (d) Permanent Residential certificate (PRC).

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