District Health Society (NTEP) Naharlagun Recruitment 2021 | Medical Officer | STLS (Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor) | 2 Posts
Application are invited from the citizen of india for the following posts purely on contractual basis under District Health Society (NTEP), Papumpare District, Naharlagun.
1. Medical Officer, DR-TB Site, TRIHMS, Naharlagun: 01 Post
2. STLS (Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor): 01 Post
Last Date
10th November 2021
1. Medical Officer: Rs. 50,000/- (Fixed per month)
2. STLS (Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor): Rs. 18,000/- (Fixed per month)
Required Qualifications
1. Medical Officer:
- MBBS or equivalent degree from institution, recognized by Medical council of India; Must have completed compulsory rotator internship.
2. STLS (Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor):
- Graduate.
- Diploma in Medical Laboratory technology or equivalent from a govt recognized institution.
- Permanent two wheeler driving license (Valid) & should be able to drive two wheeler (Bike).
- Certificate course in computer operations (minimum two months).
Preferential Qualification
1. Medical Officer:
- MD Respiratory medicine/ Internal Medicine/ DTCD/ MD Community Medicine/ Diploma/CHA/ Masters in Public Health.
- Basic knowledge of computers.
2. STLS (Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor):
- Graduate.
- Minimum one year experience in National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP).
- Experience in lab Services.
Selection Process
Scrutiny of application: 15/11/2021 (Scrutiny list of eligible candidate will display on the notice board of District Programme Officer, District Health Society (NTEP), TRIHMS, Naharlagun.
Date of issue of Admit Card: 17/11/2021 to 20/11/2021 (to be collected from the office of the District Programme Officer, District Health Society (NTEP), TRIHMS, Naharlagun.
Written Test: Written test will be held on 28/11/2021 (Timing and place of written test will be display on office notice board).
Written Test
Medical Officer
1. English: 25 marks
2. G.K: 25 marks
3. General Medicine: 50 marks
4. Subject matter (NTEP & TB): 50 marks
Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor
1. English: 25 marks
2. G.K: 25 marks
3. Computer: 25 marks
4. Subject matter (NTEP & TB): 50 marks
Viva Voice
Medical Officer
1. Viva Voice: 50 marks
Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisor
1. Viva Voice: 25 marks
2. Lab. Practical: 25 marks
3. Computer Practical: 25 marks
1. The candidates qualified on written test will be call for Viva Voice which will be notified on the office notice board of the District Programme Officer, District Health Society (NTEP), TRIHMS, Naharlagun. The candidate should bring all the original documents during viva voice. Driving test for STLS will held during viva voice.
2. Appointment to above mentioned post will be purely on Contractual Basis for a period of one year and renewable subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate with one day break.
3. Candidates working under Central/State/Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies etc. should submit the application through proper channel in the form of 'No objection Certificate’ from the employer.
4.Nature & place of posting : Non- transferable, for MO at DR-TB Site, TRIHMS, Naharlagun and for STLS at TU Itafort, Under DTC, Naharlagun only.
5. No TA/DA will be provided for appearing the interview both written and viva voice.
How to Apply
1. The applicant should apply in following format : (a) Name (b) Father's Name (c) Date of Birth (d) Permanent Address (e) Correspondence Address (f) Educational Qualification (g) Additional Qualification (if any) (h) Experience (if any), (i) Contact No (j) Recent Passport size photograph (4 nos.).
2. The application specifying the post applied for along with the resume and the following self attested document should reach the office of the District Programme Officer, District Health Society (NTEP), Tomo Riba Institute of Health & Medical Science, Naharlagun on or before 10/11/2021, till 2 pm.
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