Diploma Engineering Spot Counseling Notification 2021 from APDHTE Itanagar
This is for information of all interested and eligible candidates who have passed Class X that Spot Counseling for allotment of vacant seats of three year Diploma Engineering courses in various Institutions within and outside the State of Arunachal Pradesh will be conducted as per the details given below.
Last Date
Last Date of Submission of application: 27th September 2021
Allotment Result
Click here to download result.
Important Dates
1. Submission of application through e-mail to (apjeeengg@gmail.com) or in the Polytechnics: 22nd to 27th September 2021.
2. Declaration of Result of Spot Counseling: 28th September 2021.
3. Last date of admission in allotted institution: 30th September 2021.
How to Apply
1. Candidates who had NOT registered for online counseling but are now interested for pursuing the Courses shall have to pay an amount of Rs. 500/- for APST (Rs. 750/- for Non-APST) through electronic means/cash into the Bank account of the Member Secretary, APSCTE, Account No. 880101010015475, IFSC- BARB0VJITAN (fifth digit is zero) at Bank of Baroda, Itanagar.
2. The candidates have to mail/ submit their application in the prescribed format available at www.apdhte.nic.in alongwith the self attested copies of the following:
- Mark sheet of Class X(Passed with Maths & Science)
- ST certificate for Category – I (APST).
- Employment/ Domicile Certificate for Category – II (Non-APST).
- Proof of payment of fees for those who had not registered earlier.
1. Candidates who had already paid fees for online counseling need not pay any fees for participation in the Spot Round.
2. Allotment of seats will be made on the basis of the basis of marks obtained in Class X (English, Maths and Science)
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