APPSC Recruitment 2021 | Assistant Conservator of Forest: 4 Posts | Last Date: 05 November 2021

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The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission invites applications through online from the citizens of India, for filling up of 04 (four) posts of Assistant Conservator of Forest - Arunachal Pradesh Forest Service (APFS-Entry Grade) Group-A, in the Pay Matrix Level-10 Rs. 56100-177500 per month plus other allowances as admissible to Arunachal Pradesh Govt. employees from time to time under the Department of Environment and Forests, Covt. of Arunachal Pradesh. Out of 4 posts, 2 posts are reserved for Forestry Graduates and another 2 posts are reserved for Other Science Graduates. Of the total 4 posts, 2 posts are further reserved for Arunachal Pradesh Scheduled Tribe Candidates and another 2 posts are un-reserved (open competitionJ. The vacancy position is subject to variation. Any vacancies/post(s) if received from the departments will also be included and notified before the written examination.


Assistant Conservator of Forest : 04 Posts

Last Date

05th November 2021


Pay Matrix Level-10 Rs. 56100-177500 per month plus other allowances as admissible to Arunachal Pradesh Govt. employees from time to time under the Department of Environment and Forests, Covt. of Arunachal Pradesh.

Educational Qualifications

The candidates must possess a Bachelor's Degree in Science from a recognized University or lnstitution with at least one of the following subjects :-
Agriculture, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Zoology, Forestry, Geology, Horticulture, Engineering (Agriculture/ Chemical/Civil/ Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical, Computer Science Application, Environmental Science, Veterinary Science and Computer Science & Engineering).

Reservation of Posts

Out of 4 posts, 2 posts are reserved for Forestry Craduates and another 2 posts are reserved for Other Science Craduates. Of the total 4 posts, 2 posts are further reserved for APST candidates and another 2 posts are unreserved (Open Competition).

How to Apply

1. Before applying online application for the post, candidate must mandatorily register themselves in ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR).

2. Candidates are required to apply online using the website Detail instructions for One Time Registration (OTR) and Online Application are available on the above mentioned website. The applicants are advised to submit only single application; however, if due to any unavoidable situation, if he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application with the higher Registration lds (RID) is complete in all respect like applicants details, Photograph, signature, Photo ID, fee etc. The applicants with higher RID shall be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID.

3. Those candidates who have already registered in OTR need not register again and they can directly log in to fill up online form using their User ID and Password.


Click here to download syllabus.

Previous Year Question

General English

General Knowledge

Elementary Mathematics


Agriculture Engineering



Civil Engineering

Computer Application

Computer Engineering

Electronics Engineering

Environmental Science





Mechanical Engineering



Veterinary Science


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